2:00pm A Sense of Urgency: Closing the Achievement Gap—The civil rights issue of our time.

A Sense of Urgency: Closing the Achievement Gap—The civil rights issue of our time.

Dan Wick
Minnesota has one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation among low-income and minority students. We’re leaving thousands of children by the roadside –even as we tout the excellence of our educational system- while headed to an uncertain future. But we can (and must) change the tides. Minnesota’s success depends on it: Better educated communities mean a better workforce, a better business climate, and a better future for us all. In this session, you’ll get the must know facts about the achievement gap and discuss how we can contribute to a solution as emerging leaders. This session also will draw on the collective knowledge of attendees to create intellectual capital for designing future innovative efforts and provide a connection point for people interested in doing further work towards this vital issue.

Dan Wick, a 2009 St. Olaf graduate has developed a passion for improving education for all kids. Beginning with an Urban Studies program in college and continuing with internships related to Minnesota’s innovative early education landscape, Dan learned about the importance of a high quality early and K-12 education not only for the individual but for society as a whole. Following stint in politics, he currently works for an education management organization on supporting existing charter schools and developing new charter school projects nationwide. With an overriding passion for Minnesota, he hopes to build a sense of urgency around what the shortfalls of our current education system mean not only for the lives of kids, but also for the future of our state.

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