2:00pm Personal Economic Sanity

Personal Economic Sanity

Jared Rendell
An interactive, relevant to our age and stage, conversation about living with more freedom, wisdom, and even generosity when it comes to our money.  Through worksheets, team work, and large group conversation, we’ll learn from each other’s experience and come away with usable tools and action steps. These will help us to worry less about this part of life, often the part that people have the most anxiety around. This will not be a sales pitch for a financial product not will it be in any way boring.

Jared has been working with the STAGES Initiative at Thrivent for a year and a half trying to help 1 million people worry less about money in relevant ways. As a Coach, the mission is to help this millennial generation live with freedom, wisdom, and generosity when it comes to how we view money. Jared sits on the Board of Directors for Torch Community and on the Leadership and Education Committee for United Way Emerging Leaders. He coaches volleyball at Minneapolis Southwest High School and at Northern Lights Volleyball Club. Jared lives in Burnsville with his wife Anna, their golden retriever Nysse, and their first child due in December.

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